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Public Pad Latest text of pad H0FEarvHfH Saved Dec 3, 2014

  • ~Long Live the Living~
Round Two c:
So we want this back up, and there's a few ways to go about it. Just.. add in your opinions or whatever at each point, I guess xD
A. Unarchiving LLL and continuing as it was, with the same characters, but letting new peple join and change the plot
B. Restarting LLL
     B1. as it was (starting with the wedding again)
     I vote here because I don't know if I can be inspired to do new characters.
     B2. as a sequel (starting with like 50 years later or something, with a mix of old and new characters) - I'm gonna go with this as my choice. I'll miss the old characters (the ones who don't live long enough, lol), but I want fresh things in there and I'm afraid that might be a bit impossible when we have characters and plots we love so much planned already.
                MY VOTE
     B3. Mixing the two
In any case, new people would be nice to have, so keep that in mind. There's a possibility of mixing the B's, also - like, starting again with the wedding but adding in the Prison plotline much sooner (as in, right away xD). That would get us action and creepiness coexist with the more easygoing politics stuff, which sounds good.
Also, as we all have many characters and not too much time, I'm thinking of tweaking the principle of posting a little bit. As in, we'll still be posting for our characters, but not necessarily for all of them all the time. As long as we're collaborating on posts and using each other's characters, all is good, even if not every character is posted for equaly often. It's kind of more like we'd all be having a lot of playable NPCs whom we'd all use but respect what the owners wrote in their profiles. Makes sense, hopefully >.>
~THE TIMESKIP - 7 years 
~TIMESKIP 2 - 13 years
total 20 years
Table of contents:
Timeline (multiple ones >.<)
Page 4 list
Links for posts
Some stuff bout magic
Page 1-3 list
~the timeline~ (from the timeline pad, so it wasn't *just* me and Ri filling it out... I'm not that obssessive)
  • Day 0 ~ Ataia finds and punishes random guys for raping a random woman; Meg leaves Barquarnon
  • Day 1 ~ the day when Meg and Lierre arrive to Merillial; Marius and Demitri arrive to Eajra
  • Day 2 ~ the day when Thranack and Ludi arrive at Merillial; Ataia and Vys fight and she gets to leave; Dae and Meg agree on their duel x3 Sae and Ami meet
  • Day 3 ~ totally forgot, but it's passed so something must've happened xD
  • Day 4 ~ the day when Meg returns to Barqarnon; Aqui comes to Scarthia
  • Day 5 ~ Thran gets beat up by Brek; Mar and co. come to Merillial (and also lots of other stuff); Marcia and Ami get burned; Akim gets to Merillial (and so does Aqui);
  • Day 6 ~ Ami Meg and Cia at Merillial; Marcia tells Mar Lie is his daughter --> This might also happen later on, depending on..a bunch of stuff xD; Thran freaks out about his wedding, gets confined to his room, Ludi+Brek guard him;
  • Day 7 ~ WEDDING; Brek talks with Ami, maybe?
  • Day 8 ~  tournament; Quill and Mar fighting/sparring/whatever --> I think we said to move this to before the wedding; I think so too ;Thran and Ludi start their thing; Meg kills Dae, they ship his body off to Barqarnon (Marcia goes along), Ami too
  • Day 9 ~ Marcia burns down the Bar castle and runs off; Dae wakes up and whatnot (I guess); Meg meets Aqui and they head towards Bar (but then learn Dae is alive)
  • Day 10 ~ Akim meets Mar "officially" - Mar will have to stay a bit in Merillial, I guess, to calm everyone down after all that ^
  • Day 11 ~ Thran dumps Ludi; Dae dies (again <.<) and Quill stops being evil
  • Day 12 ~ Ludi  sends a letter to Dae;
  • Day 13 ~ 
  • Day 14 ~ 
  • Day 15 ~  Ludi gets caught, runs to Bar;
  • Day 16 ~ (blimey a lot of days) ~ 
  • Day 17 ~ Thran goes to Bar?;
  • Day 18 ~ 
  • Day 19 LAST DAY~ Thran+Ami+Sae escape; 
Stuff to happen before the wedding, during it and right after +post order <- we must yet do this part..
Dae ~ Does random stuff until the wedding, watches the tournament (I guess he doesn't fight in it?), is on the wedding, fights with Meg, gets killed, his body gets shipped off to Bar, gets imprisoned by Evil Quill after waking up, takes the throne, restores the castle and all that
Meg ~ Freaks out on Marcia about anything because he's just mean like that?, goes to Merillial, rapes Lie at some point, is at the wedding, fights with Dae and wins, helps Zain and stuff, flees to Scarthia with Aqui as he hears of Dae taking the throne and Marcia disappearing
Aqui ~ has weird things happen in the Ninth Temple, goes to Merillial and meets Rea, buzzes around during the wedding, randomly sleeps with Quill after Dae dies, talks to Meg and goes to Scarthia with him (and anyone else?), raises an army (which stays a secret for a while), meets Brek as he gets there the first time
Vys ~ couldn't care less about the wedding, talks to the Prison and goes crazy and mean,...something with Taia and idk.
Marius ~ gets to Merillial (I kind of have this written too), talks to Dae/Lierre/whoever, babysits Rea and TZ, spars with Brek, (maybe) fights in the tournament and then later with Quill, Marcia tells him about Lierre being his (does that work?), is at the wedding, tries to settle the whole Dae-dying situation
Marcia ~
Me ~
Demi ~ Walk with Rea and then fight with Zain
Thanks for leaving this here guys xD Wait, why Ludi first >.> Ludi was the last char I posted  It's just about what which char does, it's not in any kind of order yet c: ^^
Ami ~ gets burnt, sees Sae, goes to healer / goes to Merillial / does stuff - Thran? Creyo? dunno / goes back to Barqarnon / stuff / escapes with Sae+Thran? -> Plains
Ludi ~ Starts her affair with Thran / meets the elves -> powers + stuff / gets dumped / goes apeshit / goes to Barqarnon and works for Dae ... stuff
Akim ~ 
Quill ~ 
Lierre ~ 
Sae ~ 
Tim/Zain ~ 
Taia ~ 
Thran ~ 
Brek ~ 
Rea ~ Meets Aq; talks with Demi; learns diplomatic stuff
Smyk ~ I'm pretty sure he's chilling in Talantera since I came up with him after the plotting of the wedding went down.
Mina ~ one is called Mina. Right. meet up with yetch and eventually creyo where stuffs happen
Joyi ~ live life
Creyo ~ yell at somebody about how much he hates megarus xD
Yetch ~ get sent to prison in earja, where he meets his long lost sister, convinces them to go visit merillal
Memori kill some people and laugh at their screams
 Page 4:
http://piratepad.net/LLLbase <-- all the country descriptions and the links to the profiles
http://piratepad.net/f4qD3U7Xac <-- Plot Points, Timelines, etc.
http://imgur.com/8bJa7Ld <-- Coats of arms and the two flags that are described.
USEFUL FOR POSTS TO COME (in this part, at least. I'll update when we get to P2):
Brek/Mar day5: http://ariaadams.writerfeedpad.com/s2c  (not sure if you want to use it, since stuff changed, but eh) Totally want to use it.. best sparring ever xD
Thran before the wedding: http://piratepad.net/0W3KFvjwB7
Brek before the wedding: http://piratepad.net/cf1QwxvcPQ
Ami POV Thran in Barqarnon: http://piratepad.net/LLLs2c
Ludi tournament (with a Brek/Mar test): http://piratepad.net/SWkBOUxW3k
Ami/Dae/Sae in Bar (not sure if still valid): http://piratepad.net/ABaOb45yHW
Ludi before the wedding: http://piratepad.net/EPqG23h6wm
Ludi POV her attempted arrest: http://piratepad.net/vgOHREvOKr (I have Thran's and Brek's somewhere too >.>)
Ami/Dae/Sae/Quill Rps: http://piratepad.net/BVPZZOWqBY
Ludi/Brek talk: http://piratepad.net/L-B
And that's just for Part one... >.< 
Google doc:
Profiles in there ^^ ;)
Riiight. So, about the powers the characters have.
yes,  some are pretty powerful - or better said, almost everyone who have  magic have the preposition to be indeed quite strong. However. In this  story, they should all (and are so far) rely on their wits and their  political and/or physical power, not magic. 
Apart  from that, all of the characters have weaknesses - to some, they're  weaknesses connected to other characters (whom they're in love with or  something). To others, they're actual magical weaknesses, holes in their  magical laws, if you wish. There's a way for *everyone* to die, and to  get hurt, and there is no one who can out power everyone else (not even  Vys, who can manipulate basically everything in the Prison)
...frankly,  for the sake of it, we could make so that, as the Prison grows stronger  (which will happen, and no, it won't make Vys more powerful, it'll in  fact make him weaker), all the magic starts fading. It even doesn't  sound like a bad idea to me xP The more powerful ones would get affected  first, and so on. It's discussable c:
I  thought of this thing on magic - on giving info on it, that is. Despite  of the natural talents for magic, or the lack of those, basically  everyone is in position to learn *some* magic. That is, there are books,  there are spells and moves and Alchemy and whatnot, and regardless of  what was someone born with, that knowledge is (relatively) accessible to  everyone.
However,  of course, there are the laws of the countries, there are limitations  and there must be reason when describing all that..that is, there would  be no spell books in Eajra (or would be banned and/or hidden), some of  the countries might have some limitations regarding topics and so on.
What  about people who have really weak magical ability which means that they  basically don't have magic. Since I was assuming that even if they  could do spells, they might not have an aptitude totally.
People  who were born without natural magical abilities can still learn stuff  from books. Like, literally, spells and so - by movement, words or  something, they could make magic. It would however take them much longer  tolearn how to use them properly, than it would take the people born  with magical abilities. Besides, I suppose that the students would be  able to perform the spells only by using books (or something to read  from), or symbols and stuff. 
 s2c = scene to come
srn = scene right now
fb = flashback
TS = timeskip
use as you wish
spc~ ;), guess what it means stupid people convention severe procrastination condition seriously problematic characters ohh <- that's a good one It is. I like 'severe procastination condition" it would be useful.xD Shady's Personified Charisma Stop, Peter's Cominghahahaha Thats like saying zombies are coming.Nah, Peter has other intentions. >.> Ah. I am disturbed. Peter always has ulterior motives....Sciences physiques chimiques... in french, anyway/
  Debate ---> http://piratepad.net/hwxAIqPaoi  What is your opinion? We discussed the direction this SB should/could take. I believe we should all say a bit about the matter.
Quick referencing for the posts per page I <3 you Xiira.^^(not saying you won't have to scroll down, but you'll know what is where) Add at will:
Page 1
-Dae (and probably Vys)
-Mar (and probably Aqui)
-Dae (and maybe also Aqui or Vys or Mary <.< )
Page 2
Page 3: