Welcome To Camp Half Blood!! Hello. Please submit your character charts here and not in the DT. That way it'll be more organized. (Enter your character name here) Grace Clementine ( @HazelGrace16 ) - Beckett Finn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Logan Bates ( @Vellichor ) - Mickey Halen ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Casper Everelka ( @Eternity ) - Amelia Yates ( @TinyJarStoredDreams ) - Eliza Jane Kearn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Ben Reid ( @HazelGrace16 ) - Olivia Gresham ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Rebecca Myers ( @Vellichor ) - Ray Patel ( @LordZeus ) - Adonis Capulet ( @Chaser ) - Hachiko Kuwabara ( @Chaser ) - Leon ( @Poopsie ) - Ashton Kutcher ( @NympheaLily )- Reed Mal ( @Eternity ) - Roland Bright ( @NympheaLily ) - Character Charts Below Grace Clementine - HazelGrace16 Beckett Finn( @TheForgottenKing ) - Clem has the biggest crush on Beckett. It started growing from her first day at camp when he was the tour guide for her group. Only there are a few problems. 1. They are good friends. Not best friends but good enough friends that Clem fears she may forever be stuck in the friend-zone. 2. Clem would never dare tell her true feelings to him. She is too afraid of the repercussions. He is one of the few people she can talk real to without being super awkward. Unless he catches her off guard then she is right back to being her adorkable self that she is with everyone. She likes the fact that Beckett is smart and successful, but he is still kind. She is happy to have him in her life. Logan Bates ( @ChildOfWriting ) - Logan is cool. Clem has tried talking to him a few times, but he usually seems disinterested whenever she tries. Unlike most people Logan is not amused by her awkwardness. At least that's how she sees it. She has tried a lot, but by this point she has kind of left him alone. She will still say hi when they pass, but she hasn’t gone out of her way to be his friend anymore. She thinks he is nice, but she also understands that he wants his space. Mickey Halen ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Clem loves Mickey. He always makes her laugh, and she looks forward to his visits. They are friends, but Clem doesn’t know that much about him. He honestly reminds her of a younger crazy brother. Mickey always plays jokes on her, but none of them are intended to be mean. He also never takes advantage of her, so she really appreciates that. Casper Everelka ( @Eternity ) - Casper arrived at camp the same year Clem did. They were in each other's tour groups, but Casper really didn’t talk that much. Clem admires her from afar. She thinks Casper seems like a really nice person and she is pretty, but Clem has never known how to approach her. Clem has done some favors for her, but they have never had a real conversation. It sticks mainly to “Hi. How are you?” “Good. And you?” Casper is a good fighter, but Clem isn’t a huge fan of the obsession with revenge. That is because Clem doesn’t really understand it. Amelia Yates ( @TinyJarStoredDreams ) - Clem likes Amelia. They aren’t extremely close, but they know each other. Clem likes Amelia’s competitiveness. It makes watching her during Capture the Flag, and other camp games really fun. She is an easy icon to cheer for. Since Amelia is kind of like a celebrity at camp so Clem usually won't come up to her easily. Honestly Clem feels like Amelia looks at her like a little sister. Eliza Jane Kearn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - First impression: Clem is scared haha. She has heard rumors about Eliza, and she is definitely someone she doesn't see herself messing with. Honestly she feels like she would appear stupid in front of Eliza. However, that won't stop her from being nice if Eliza were to ever approach her. Ben Reid ( @HazelGrace16 ) - She occasionally gets help from Ben handyman wise. She asks for his help a lot when it comes to fixing things she has broke (which is a lot). They aren’t friends, or acquaintances. Honestly their relationship is weird, but nobody seems to care. She hates that he is given a hard time because he is Luke’s brother. Olivia Gresham ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Clem is constantly working for Olivia and other Ares kids. It is easily a group that takes advantage of her. However Olivia is one of the nicer ones. Clem works to please them, and impress them. She doesn’t know why, that's just what she has always done. Clem and Olivia aren’t friends, but Olivia does approach her a lot. Olivia also helps her whenever she does something clumsy. She could see them becoming friends. Rebecca Myers ( @ChildOfWriting ) - Rebecca and Clem are best friends in Clem’s mind. They came to camp the same year, and they kind of hit it off the first day. The two girls are very similar, but at the same time they are perfectly different. Rebecca is one of the few people who openly know Clem’s secrets (like her crush and past). Clem has really never had a friend like Rebecca, and she’s really glad to have her. Rebecca is the one who is not afraid to stand up to those who want to use Clem. Ray Patel ( @LordZeus ) - Clem kind of avoids Ray. She is very intimidated by him, and honestly it doesn’t seem like Ray would even notice a girl like her. She has a perfect mixture of respect and fear for him. She wonders if that is what he wants out of people. She wants to see what comes out of a guy like him. Adonis Capulet ( @Chaser ) - Adonis is a very strange person to Clem. She is curious about the face mask because he is a child of Aphrodite, and usually they are very open about showing everything with their beauty. He honestly seems nothing like his siblings, and Clem likes that about him. She would be open to getting to know more about him. Hachiko Kuwabara ( @Chaser ) - She has no problems with Hachiko. They have only had a few conversations. There isn’t much to say about them. Leon ( @Poopsie ) - First Impression: Leon seems nice. Clem would be very kind to him. Ashton Kutcher ( @NympheaLily )- First impression: Clem is excited to have a new sibling come into her life, and she would be extremely kind and welcoming to her. However, Clem is not good with people with her condition. She would try to help and understand, but Clem isn’t good with the whole “dealing with people's problems” thing. Hopefully they can get along. Reed Mal ( @Eternity ) - Roland Bright ( @NympheaLily ) - Casper Everelka - Eternity Grace Clementine ( @HazelGrace16 ) - Clem arrived the same year as Casper, and although they didn't talk much, she liked her a bit. There was always the slightest bit of tension between Clam and her, though, due to her obsession with revenge but she knew Clem didn't quite understand. She was sure they were the slightest bit of friends, and perhaps wanted a real friendship with her, but she would have to wait until trust was a factor between Clem and her. Beckett Finn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Casper didn't talk to Beckett a lot, and she was actually quite distanced from the fellow. She would say hi and all, but heir conversations weren't that big. Logan Bates ( @ChildOfWriting ) - Casper doesn't really know Logan too well, and they don't talk but she thinks he's a nice guy, Mickey Halen ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Casper and Mickey are pretty close and they work as a team quite well. Casper knows she can go to him in any situation and talk to him. She trusts him and her trust is quite hard to gain after many situations in her life. She's known Mickey for a short period of time and rarely sees him due to his short appearances every once in awhile. Amelia Yates ( @TinyJarStoredDreams ) - Casper sees Amelia around a lot with her flame red hair flowing behind her and she likes to mess around with Amelia sometimes just to annoy her, but she doesn't talk to her much. Eliza Jane Kearn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Casper sees Liza around a lot and thinks she's quite pretty. She's jealous of Liza and doesn't know how to approach her to actually speak with her. She wishes to later on become friends because Casper thinks she'd be a good friend to have when trouble is near. She likes that Liza doesn't let her guard down. Ever. It's nice to see another tough one around. Ben Reid ( @HazelGrace16 ) - Although Casper isn't the biggest and kind hearted person in CHB, she admires Ben. She doesn't know him very well, and she sees him rolling around in his wheelchair all over CHB, but she's never really had a conversation with him. She'll give small smiles as she passes by the trickster and say hellos but it never really went from there. Olivia Gresham ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Casper doesn't know Olivia due to it being Olive's first year there at CHB. Rebecca Myers ( @ChildOfWriting ) - Becca was one of the first people Casper met, and she's pretty good friends with the girl. Casper likes her haircut, a lot She trusts Becca due to being friends with her for while. Ray Patel ( @LordZeus ) - Ray is a good friend to Casper and she trusts him as well; she knows he's has a trustworthy soul underneath his dark exterior. Casper finds that Ray may be slightly frightening to her, but despite that, she knows it's just his personality. Adonis Capulet ( @Chaser ) - Casper doesn't see Adonis around a lot, and hears things like he doesn't like people or he pushes people away. She doesn't know him. Hachiko Kuwabara ( @Chaser ) - Casper has heard good things about him, but hasn't seen him around much. Leon ( @Poopsie ) - Casper has heard this is his first year, and is pretty excited to meet any new kids coming in to make new friends. [Doesn't know] Ashton Kutcher ( @NympheaLily ) - Casper doesn't know Ash too well, but she has made it clear that Ash can come to her for anything. Although Casper doesn't quite understand the full story behind her scars and all, she doesn't need to. Casper, despite the one year age difference, looks after her. Reed Mal ( @Eternity ) - Casper doesn't know her. Roland Bright ( @NympheaLily ) - Casper has the slightest crush on Roland, but due to the age difference, she knows it wouldn't work. Casper is good friends with Roland and wishes to stay that way, hoping that all friendship stayed strong. Reed Mal - Eternity Reed is new to Camp Half Blood and doesn't know anyone there. She's distanced from everyone as it is, and she's not sure if she's ready to make new friends, but this is her chance to. She's a Roman Demi-God and she knows she one of few. Her father, Pluto, says even though she's Roman, she'll fit in. Olivia Gresham - TheFantasy14 Grace Clementine ( @HazelGrace16 ) - She seems like a bit of doormat. a doormat Olive really doesn't want to step all over. Honestly, the other Ares kids annoy her, and she doesn't like the fact that they push her around like that. She helps her out when she can, and wants to know more about her. Beckett Finn( @TheForgottenKing ) - He lead her tour group. Beckket seems nice enough, and is easy to talk to. She definitely gets along with him and his siblings more than she does her own. Logan Bates ( @ChildOfWriting ) - She wouldn't go out of her way to seek him out. If he keeps to himself, she'll keep to herself. Casper Everelka ( @Eternity ) - she respects her. Olivia would view her as a desirable ally, and try not to get on her bad side. Amelia Yates ( @TinyJarStoredDreams ) - She would really rub her the wrong way. Olivia would go out of her way to avoid her, and wouldn't be too nice if she tried to talk with her. But if it does come down to a competition, she'd be her equal in every regard. Eliza Jane Kearn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Another person she'd respect. She'd be curious to know about New Rome, as well as Roman tactics and mythology (always good to know more about what you're facing.) and definitely go to her with questions. Ben Reid ( @HazelGrace16 ) - Honestly, she'd really want to get to know him better, He seems strong in his own way, and is a kind person. Ben would be a person she'd want to be friends with. Mickey Halen ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Mickey is a nice guy in her mind, but there's something about him that she doesn't understand. She doesn't know what. But he makes her extremely curious. Rebecca Myers ( @ChildOfWriting ) - A fun, outgoing person. Olivia would like her a lot Ray Patel ( @LordZeus ) - Unlike everyone else at camp, Grace wouldn't think of him as anyone special. He's just a guy who happened to do something impressive. That doesn't make him someone to be admired. She isn't afraid of him either. Olivia has nothing to hide, and is he wants to poke at her thoughts, that's between him and his obvious disregard for other people's privacy. Adonis Capulet ( @Chaser ) - She's actually pretty intimidated by him. She doesn't know what the mask is for, but he doesn't seem to like her all that much, and that makes her all the more wary of him. Hachiko Kuwabara ( @Chaser ) - She has her suspicions about him. No one else seems to mind him, but she gets the feeling that Hachiko is bad news. Maybe even dangerous. She'd keep away from him, watching and investigating him from a distance. Leon ( @Poopsie ) - He's in her tour group. Leon seems very quiet and withdrawn, but Olivia would actually want to try and get to know him better instead of just leaving him to himself as she usually does. Ashton Kutcher ( @NympheaLily )- Olivia would want to be friends with her. She seems like a good person, and someone with more to her than she's letting on. Reed Mal ( @Eternity ) - Roland Bright ( @NympheaLily ) - Logan Bates Grace Clementine( @HazelGrace16 ) - Logan doesn't know Clem very well, but he at least can tell she's nice and outgoing. If he had the energy or words, he'd like to get to know her. Logan likes being around happy people, maybe to make up for his own outward apparent apathy. Beckett Finn( @TheForgottenKing ) - Becket made more of an effort than most to get Logan to open up, and he respects him for that. If anything, Logan envies his openness and ability to take things in stride. Mickey Halen ( @TheFantasy14 ) - Logan and Mickey haven't interacted much, so Logan doesn't really have an opinion either way. He doesn't dislike him though. It's a start. Casper Everelka ( @Eternity ) - Logan hasn't exchanged many words with Casper, but from what he knows about her revenge-centered qualities, he respects her tenacity. He thinks of her a a bird of a feather, one quiet person to another. Amelia Yates ( @TinyJarStoredDreams ) - Logan had a bit of a crush on her from his first day at camp. Of course, no one knows this and even he denies it. Even now that he doesn't have to keep moving, he has trouble making, or even attempting to make connections. Her outgoingness (competitiveness) and humor make Logan want to/ wish he were better at interacting with others, and the few times they've been on a CTF team, he has openly laughed with her joking. He received many strange looks (and smiles), though. It's not often that he laughs. Eliza Jane Kearn ( @TheForgottenKing ) - Logan is always curious about other Roman demi-gods. As he's still relatively new to the whole "knowing-about-your-history" thing, he's sometimes annoyingly curious when he opens up. He respects her toughness and generally gives her a wide berth, though he plans to try and learn all that he can of Roman fighting tactics. His own abilities are effective, but somewhat lacking in grace or style. Such is the way of learning to fight without an instructor. Ben Reid ( @HazelGrace16 ) - As Logan is practically clueless on recent demi-god history, he doesn't know much about Luke. Thus, when he saw that people seemed to judge Ben on his brother's actions, and tried his best to be friendly to him. The two are now well acquainted. One might go so far as to call them friends. Olivia Gresham ( @TheFantasy14 ) - The few times that Logan and Olivia have spoken have left him more than a little confused. Friendly at first but then quick to anger made him think that he had said something wrong, (which happens pretty often, given his lacking history of social interaction.) He tries to give her a wide berth to avoid the awkwardness of further interaction, but respectfully watches in awe at her fighting prowess. Ray Patel ( @LordZeus ) - Having arrived at the same time and spent the same amount of time at the camp, the two at least know each other. They both are of a more serious nature and that at least has lent itself to their cooperation during camp activities. Adonis Capulet ( @Chaser ) - Don simply disturbs Logan, but he knows that this could possibly be simply because he doesn't know him well. He still remembers what it felt like to be judged by others who didn't know him, and therefore tries to avoid doing the same. Hachiko Kuwabara ( @Chaser ) - Logan is freaked out by such nice and hyperactive people, and so is somewhat uncomfortable around Hachiko. That being said, Logan is getting used to his antics, and actually finds them to be uplifting or at least humorous at times. Leon ( @Poopsie ) - Logan hasn't actually spoken with Leon, but the two have shared a nod when running into each other on the beach or quieter spots in the forest. They seem to share at least a liking of peace and quiet. Ashton Vallin ( @NympheaLily )- Logan, being the hopelessly shy and socially lacking guy he is, couldn't possibly approach such a girl. Her singing takes away the memories of his hard life, even from the distance that he has heard it while sitting on the beach as he does. Outside of hearing her sing, he has not had more than a few helloes in passing with her. Reed Mal ( @Eternity )- He has not had much in the way of words with her as both are less than socially outgoing. He only knows that she is a fellow Roman, and this alone makes him curious. Honestly though, he is somewhat intimidated by her and as such has not gathered the courage to speak to her yet. Roland Bright ( @NympheaLily )- Logan doesn't really know the guy very well, just that he stares too long at people, something about his ability from his godly parent. Logan hasn't had much reason to interact with him, but he's curious as to his past. There's clearly something to the artwork he's done since arriving at camp... Rebecca Myers Grace Clementine - Becca knows that there are people who think she's annoying. She knows there are people who just simply don't like her. She can accept that and continue with life happily, and that is in part due to Grace. Having met their first day, the two hit it off and have been friends since. They rely on each other's cheer to keep one another going, and have confided in many a secret, including Grace's crush, though Becca couldn't bring herself to tell her friend her own... Beckett Finn - Because she spends a lot of her time with Clem, she also does so by extension with Beckett. They are friends when Clem is present, but have little to talk about when she is not. Nonetheless, Becca applies her usual friendliness towards him as she does all people. Logan Bates - Becca tried to act friendly towards him, and though she still tries from time to time, she gets the feeling that he only sees her as annoying and hyper. Mickey Halen - Becca only knows [b]of[/b] Mickey, though her friend Grace certainly likes him. The mystery surrounding him and his sudden appearances and disappearances appeals to her like the books she always used to read. Casper Everelka - Rebecca has known Casper since they both came to the camp in the first place. She tries to talk to her on a semi regular basis, but never to much avail. Becca makes a point, though, of making friends with shier people, and thus has not given up on Casper. Amelia Yates - Becca and Amelia have often sparred, both finding the other a worthy opponent, but Amelia more usually coming out on top. One might call them friendly rivals, and simply friends at times. It's clear to Rebecca that her bubbly nature can sometimes wear down Amelia and so she tries to tone it down when in her presence. A running joke is that the few times that Becca can outperform her in anything, her luck is to blame. Eliza Jane Kearn - As outgoing and friendly as Becca tries to be, Eliza is the possible exception to her rule, and Becca is really almost frightened of her. Even so, the two have sparred and Becca considers her an incredibly gifted fighter. Ben Reid - Ben is a nice guy and Becca makes a regular habit of having a friendly conversation with him. Less friendly campers might look down at her for doing so but she figures those same people would be just as unfriendly no matter who she does or doesn't speak to. Olivia Gresham - Becca doesn't like the Ares campers in general, with the exception of Olivia, if grudgingly. People who take advantage of her friends aren't on Becca's good list, but Olivia at least tries to downplay it and help Clem along. Ray Patel - Ray originally intimidated Becca, as he does her friend, but she pushed through this and tried to get him to open up. This was responded to with number of blank and deadly glares. At least at first. Now he seems to tolerate her, which has to mean progress! Adonis Capulet - Clem and Becca often talk about Adonis, about his strange mask and habits and really about whatever else he might have done recently. For all that they know (or don't know) about him, they can agree that there's more to be learned about the son of Aphrodite. Hachiko Kuwabara - Becca has found a kindred spirit in Hachiko, and the two can find endless amusement in their little talks and jaunts across the campsite. The two know each other well enough for her to recognize his particular tone when his spirits drop, and he to know when even she has neared her breaking point, something that only two other people can say; Clem and Amelia, all for different reasons. Leon - Becca seems to be drawn to less talkative people, probably because she thinks they ironically have better stories to tell. She tries at least to talk less fervently around him though, as she has noticed his apparent liking of quieter places. Ashton Vallin - Becca loves to listen to people sing, and few voices can compare to Ashton's. The two have had friendly conversations in the past, and would no doubt become friends if the time were taken to get to know each other better. As it is, they are merely acquaintances. Reed Mal - Becca tried to speak to her just as she does all people she comes across, but Reed was less than talkative. Rebecca's pestering must have at least softened the hard-eyed Roman, because she now at least nods in acknowledgement to Becca's greetings. Roland Bright - Becca herself has just about no artistic skill, but she respects and even enjoys watching Roland work. Outside of her spoken appreciation for his art, the two don't know each other very well at all.