Book Club In Room U202

Characters: (Feel free to copy and paste to describe character relationships)

Adam Hersch (@HazelGrace16): James - A bit of a pretender. A guy trying too hard to be something that he isn't. For James, the hard part will be the fact that Adam has such a good relationthip with his father. James' own father makes it difficult to believe that a father can not be an asshole.
Beowulf - Beowulf will work around Adam's distant temperament, and try to negate problems by weirding him out with a puppet show.
Kyle - Kyle wants to be friendly with Adam, but because of his facade he ends up acting more confrontational and rude, further straining their relationship. 

Joanna Cribari (@HazelGrace16):
Beowulf - Joanna is one of those people Beowulf simply doesn't know how to talk to. The trouble is that Joanna senses his discomfort and stops talking, which ends most of their conversations before they begin.
Kyle - Joanna's caution and Kyle's brashness don't work well with each other, so Kyle tries to avoid her whenever possible. 

Keira Stirling (@saentiel): James - Seeing Keira as somewhat of a loud mouth, he will generally find her annoying until he gets the chance to see her caring side.
Beowulf - Beowulf doesn't mind at all Keira's loud disposition; in fact, he appreciates it. He can laugh through his puppet when she makes a joke, on the whole functioning in a comedic symbiosis with her.
Kyle - Kyle and Keira clash against eachother a lot, though it usually ends up with Keira being the victor. 

Beowulf Smith (@Chaser): Beowulf sees himself as someone who needs people skills desperately. He maintains a "testing phase" by suffusing these niceties into his puppets, the downside being the extreme caricatures the characters exhibit. Deep down, he's scared to develop beyond this, and risking actually hurting someone with his lack of innate sensitivity.
 James -  with his upbringing he is likely not to be intimidated by him. But his lack of emotion will be a little strange to him.
Kyle - Initially put off by Beowulf's eccentricity, he becomes one of his best friends as he able to see past his facade, and quickly learns how to put up with his as well. He feels less guilty about about using his facade around Beowulf than most others. 

James Clover (@XxXTheSwordsmanXxX): James- His view of himself is rather low. With years of a man telling him that he is nothing, no matter how much he might resist it, that still seeps in.
Beowulf - Having once viewed people in physical trades as trash, Beowulf is very mindful of James. He treats him cordially and displays fascination in his hobbies. Still, he will not be able to meaningfully broach the shields which James has built around himself, which puts a limit on their possible friendship.
Kyle - Another of his friends since he could see through his facade, Kyle understands that James has a troubled past. Thinking his facade as good for once, Kyle actively tries to give advice and encouragement, though it sometimes ends up too extreme and he regrets it later. 

Kadie Francisa Wilheim (@Nike): James- He is a little unnerved by her from the amount of sheer kindness that she seems to have. It is a foreign idea that a stranger might show kindness and caring to him.
Beowulf - Beowulf's deadpan weirdness will give Kadie plenty of opportunities to riff on him. This could form a comedy act of sorts.
Kyle - Kyle is always under the assumption that Kadie knows about his facade, but her kindness and naivety throw him off. 

Molly Thereburg (@Steggy): Beowulf - Beowulf might accidentally step on Molly's lines, though he doesn't mean to. 
Kyle - Another person who Kyle tries to avoid. Whenever they talk, Kyle always has a feeling that Molly is looking down on him. 

Rosalina Russo (@nickelgotyourback):Beowulf - Countering her activist attitude, Beowulf is strictly neutral. This might draw Rosalina's scorn, but it does make him easy to consult, which is what he wants.
Kyle - Kyle and Rosalia clash often as well, and it develops into a sense of camaraderie as he realizes that she also doesn't have many friends because of her voice. 

Kyle Steele (@Thundahguy):Kyle - Kyle hates himself, or rather his own facade. Whenever he puts up a front, he'll spend some time reflecting on why he couldn't be honest, sometimes in the same conversation if he goes too far. 
 James -  He can pretty well see through the facade that kyle puts up to hide behind.  Though not really going to call him out on it as he knows what it's like to want to be someone else.
Beowulf - Beowulf has grown up around actors, and as such can recognize Kyle's facade. He recognizes the falsified attitude that pushed people away from him as a child; he treats Kyle with respect in both personalities to encourage him, but that may be passively encouraging Kyle's two-faced behavior also.

Olivia Bradshaw (@Oswin1800): James - is likely to be aggressively stubborn with her if she were to try and help him with his issues. Should he start to open up, he will likely to really see her as someone to confide in.
Beowulf - As it stands, Beowulf treats her as he would anyone else: eccentric servitude. He's a bit jealous of her people skills, though he'd hate to admit it.
Kyle - Despite being mostly just acquaintances, Kyle can act more openly around Olivia, even though she probably doesn't know about his facade. 

Connor Krzysztof Puth (@Nike):
Kyle - Kyle is able to act more honestly around Connor, as his brash persona is more or less cancelled out by Conner's humbleness. 
Beowulf - Beowulf puts up the same stoic, servile front towards Connor.

TBA (@Gravity):

TBA (@Gravity):