The Champions of Olympus - A YWS Storybook- The Stories of the Divine Champions PlotOrganizer Introduction Posts ~ * Every Champion will enter the Grande Hall and meet Kandos and Agnis. They will settle into each individually unique room. Solely for character introductions Mentor Assignment Ceremony~ * Before the commencing feast, all Champions will report to the ballroom of the Grande Hall, where Hermes and Zeus will be assigning each Champion with their Mentor. This is where all contestants will see eachother for the first time, and are able to interact. There will be a timelapse-- This will also be where we will start a new day-- where we train with our Mentors. The Trial of Fire~ * The Trial of Fire takes place in The Valencia Desert (See Map). All Champions will travel there by chariot, and will be left there for 48 hours. They are provided with no water, food, or weapons (unless a character had previously got got after training with their Mentor, through the Armory Guild).The sun will also grow hotter, more unbearable as the days go on, hence the trial of Fire. The sun does not set in the Valencia desert, and it will be beaming for the whole 48 hours. * There will be dune-serpents, poison berries, and a Desert Basilisk-- who kills anyone who lays eyes on it. * I originally wanted there to be two groups, the characters would split off, but if you guys think we should keep them together, then that's fine too! * two groups sounds good to me! are you gonna randomize it, or do we decide it based on plot purposes? :3 * I think we should talk ab it and base it on da plottt :thumbs-up: ~ * There will be NPC's/Characters that will die as the trials go on, eventually leaving a few of our champions in the Final Trial: The Trial of Metal. RIP NPCs .> Kalli's gonna be kinda hesitant to get into a relationship unless he's certain he likes that person enough/finds that person interesting enough, so it would prob be slow burn gay people :o c: wait Iove this :D hmmm wanna have Hymnn and Kalli be in the same group for the Trial of Fire? and they can start forming a friendship? yesessess and or Bachelor(ette) for dyal (this is me asking if anyone would like to have their sillies date one of my sillies Diablo and Dyal may be an interesting match... If he put Diablo in his place LOL Dyal going "Yeah, you act tough but you can't express how you truly feel about me can you? *maniacal laugh* Kalli would totally be eating some kind of popcorn equivalent and watching in amusement :P what if diablo and dyal are forced to team up somehow and then they form some kind of weird bond and then they are kinda forced to deal with eachother because they don't really trust anybody else Idk LMAO dyal peanut alallergy (canon)period question: sorry if i missed it, but how are points calculated? >.> like is the goal of the Trial of Fire to kill the basilisk? or just to survive? They just need to survive. Every five hours you recieve a point. Extra points if you do kill the basilisk-- but it's going to be super hard xD oooh okay :D *me immediately wondering which of our characters would be like, "i wanna kill the basilisk!"* XD Diablo would automatically go for it and Josephine would hide behind a rock XD i feel like Kalli would be down if others were... he's a team player >.> no but hymnn would just be screaming and making grapes T_ LOL ~ NPCs (Rip to our fallen ones) *moment of silence* oh god my head hurts already it'll be fun >:3 okay i just can't do names very well xD i have one name idea and that's it what if we named one of them like ronaldo or something omg XDD let's do it >.> xDDDD one of yhem just being named broth broth is genius LOL [b]Name:[/b] Kratos [b]Age (18-25):[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] male, he/him [b]Who are their parents?[/b] Zeus and Hera wowo [b]Personality:[/b] Kind of a jerk, but unintentionally. lollllllHe developed a sense of arrogance from his father being the "King of the Gods" and all and now looks down on pretty much everyone (but is completely blind to how he's insulting everyone at each turn). He's surprisingly self-aware about his combat ability, though. He's willing to accept criticism and work to become a better fighter. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, buff, either serious or smirking. Dresses in a lot of white and gold. this man is closeted gay or homophobic only two ways this can go [b]Gifts/Power:[/b] Lightning and thunder. Mostly thunder. He can call down one strike of lightning and five rumbles of thunder a day. [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b] Strengths: physically powerful, always eager to train and get better, focused Weaknesses: zero people skills, not good at much other than fighting [b]Other:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Ronaldo Opeleous [b]Age (18-25):[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Who are their parents?[/b] Athena (yay Athena!) [b]Personality:[/b] Ronaldo is a very good singer. That's all he does. He doesn't even remember the last day he didn't sing. He loves singing with all his heart. He will never stop, no matter what. As son of Athena, he's a great warrior, and sings while fighting-- leaving his opponent distracted enough to land a fatal blow. i love this omg XDD give me Kalli sparkling like a disney princess to distract vibes XD LOLLL i feel like they could've been friends if ronaldo didn't die :( should i make him an actual npc like one that actually makes it :0 :eyes: just an amazing singer with a randomly modern hispanic name XD plot twist: Ronaldo's a time traveler CRYING and just belts out pop songs in the middle of fights taylor swifts - i knew you were trouble while he kills someone YES LOL XDDDi cant breathre what are we even sayingme neither i'm like literally about to laugh out loud XDDD k but now I actually want to create a backstory for him :eyes: the time traveler- Ronaldo [b]Appearance:[/b]Ronaldo is scrawny yet strong, with a somewhat feminine build and brown eyes. His skin is tan--almost olive tinted. He also has a tattoo of Jack Black on his calf. [b]Gifts/Power:[/b] Intelligence, Can play any instrument, and has a heavenly voice [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b]strengths: he can sing. He also knows everything about Jack Black. He lalso only knows how to speak spanish weaknesses: everything else [b]Other:[/b] He doesn't believe in taking showers/baths, or bathing in general (smelly boi) [b]Name:[/b]Broth [b]Age (18-25):[/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b]male [b]Who are their parents?[/b]demeter/hephaestus [b]Personality:[/b] gay i just realized this is here XD what if that was just. his entire personality. (actually no 3d side characters are good >.>) hes fairly gayforward and is joyful likeb75% the time. he often will call anyone sir or maam, and cares about nature a whole lot. also he cant spell bird [b]Appearance:[/b] broth i screamed [b]Gifts/Power:[/b] BROTH (make plants, cook plants, plant weapons.) [b]Strengths/Weaknesses:[/b] olive oil this is actually clever LOLOLOL wait is this a strength or a weakness or both xD both [b]Other:[/b] i will actually write his description when i wake up wake up not just wake ~ Josephine-- Post reminder for leya for josephine to notice being stared at by dyal and diablo It wasn’t long before the sounds of footsteps and voices calmed. At that point, I assumed that everyone had arrived, and the real games were about to begin. As I lay there, on the white satin bed, I thought about my life now and what it was about to become. All I could daydream about was my brother’s laughs, the smell of bourbon coming from my father’s study, and the soothing jus of candlelit dinners every night. I already began to miss my mother’s warm embrace—the way she held me when I cried. Maybe I was wrong for leaving, maybe I really wasn’t made to be savage, but only time could tell. I was snapped out of my mid-day reminisce when someone—or something—slid a thin, nicely stamped envelope under my door. The stamp was red, patterned in the shape of an arena, and the red ink dripped down the grainy paper. I ran my fingers along the crease and opened it slowly. Once I had the letter out, I placed it on the bedside table and started reading. Lady Josephine, Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, Welcome to the Grande Hall, the sleeping place of many victors and God-renowned warriors before you. You are here because you, or your parent/s, believe that you could successfully complete the five Trials of the Elements. In the drawer inside your bedside table, there should be a Trial Guideline and Rulebook. Study this book, as it will be helpful throughout the Trials. At exactly 14:00 (2:00PM), you shall report to the ballroom for the Mentor Assignment Ceremony, where your chosen Mentor will be soul-linked to you. Dress attire is formal glamour. This year, the Gods have made a last-minute change to the Mentor Alliance program due to the nature of this year’s Champions. More will be explained at the Ceremony. Remember, someone is always watching. Lord Hermes, Game Master I furrowed my brows and threw the letter down on the desk. I started pacing. The rules for the Trials haven’t been changed in over five hundred years. What type of people was I up against for them to change the rules? And what kind of changes would those be? I let out a huff of frustration and finally settled down enough to take a seat on chair assigned to my desk. I glanced at the clock to my right. 1:30pm. I didn’t want to move, although I knew I had to. So, I stood up and made my way to the mirror in the bathroom. I hated getting glamour, but most goddesses did not, especially those linked to the Goddess of Beauty herself. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and breathed in. I could feel my skin tingling, my heart pumping and my body changing. I could feel the radiation of heat, energy changing into molecules that changed into solids, and the scent of freshly-cut rosemary and salty seafoam filled the air. When I opened my eyes, I was no longer just Josephine. I was Josephine, the daughter of War, the daughter of Beauty. I was [i]Lady[/i] Josephine, a goddess. My blonde hair was no longer pulled into a ponytail and was now in a form of intricate braids that worked their way along my scalp. White carnations were now tucked in between each strand of hair, and my skin seemed to be glowing. My outfit was nothing but extravagant; baby blue lace wrapped around my body so many times that it was no longer translucent. My face was bare; my skin smooth and radiant. Seeing myself like this made me want to puke. My mother would have loved it— to see me like this. I took one more look at myself in the mirror before I opened the door and made my way along the narrow hallways when I noticed a group of Champions already walking a few yards in front of me. I slowed down on purpose and looked down at my feet. I knew nobody there. I was alone. When I reached the front of the ballroom, I stopped in my tracks. Everyone was glamoured, the room shined like a million stars were in attendance. I couldn’t help but smile. hymnn/kalli collab Kalli Alright, first things first. I had to get out of these bindings. I wriggled my fingers through the knots to loosen them, wincing as the rough fibers scraped against my palms. I was in enough pain after an afternoon of sparring with Perseus. And now we were dropped in this place that was hotter than Apollo's sun chariot at midday? Deep breaths, Kalli. Deep breaths. Finally I worked my way free of the bonds and shook out my wrists. Next order of business: finding allies. I scanned the desert around me, searching for anyone who looked like they'd be a good ally. Hm. Perhaps that deity with olive green hair-- along with being the closest, he seemed nice. I walked over and smiled. "Hello! I'm Kallisophos, child of Iris and Zephyrus. You can call me Kalli. What's your name?" hang on i need to read how to write hymnn T_T just did it?? Hymnn. OH you meant the character, not the name xD Kalli is so basic that it's easy to write for him lol trial of fire . find each other . find water from the cactus, poisonous red berries, weapons shed?? some of these, in any order . kalli wants a sword probs . run into broth?